Appointments can be canceled in advance by calling (971) 228 8725. We understand that sometimes emergencies happen and it’s not always possible to give adequate notice when you can’t make an appointment. Letting us know in advance gives us the opportunity to offer your reserved time to another client on our waiting list.
Tardiness Scheduled appointments have a 15 minute grace period to allow for unpredicted traffic or parking difficulties. If you anticipate that you will be later than 15 minutes, please call ahead to see if we have the availability to complete your service in full. One late client can throw off our entire schedule and cause our other clients to be late for their commitments. Therefore, if you arrive more than 15 minutes late, we reserve the right to refuse partial or complete service.
If you are not happy with your service, please make us aware of it before you pay. We will try to work something out. No refunds will be given after you have left the spa.
Pets of any kind, other than service animals, are NOT allowed in the spa. The State has specific Rules and Regulations stating cleanliness and sanitation, and we abide by these rules. In order to protect our clients that are more susceptible to allergies, NO animals of any kind are to be permitted in the spa at any time. Service dogs with the official “Service Animal'' vests are the ONLY exception. We invite you to talk with us about any questions or concerns.
Good Luck Foot Spa is a place for our clients to relax. Please check to see if your phone is on vibrate or silent. We ask kindly that if you need to make a phone call please step outside. If you need to take an important phone call, please let us know in advance before your service. Keep in mind this may cut into your service time. We also ask that while our staff is working with you, you do not use your cell phone. It makes it difficult for them to do their job up to the standards. Thank you!
We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service To:
Anyone with open or infected wounds on the treatment area
Anyone in ill health that we may suspect may be contagious, or we fear could be harmed by our service
Anyone demonstrating inappropriate behavior to our staff and/or other customers